Sunday 20 May 2012

Ohhh, Its a Biggun!

If you live in or around Norwich, you can not fail to notice the Norfolk and Norwich Festival is happening now. As part of this they have what are called "Open Studios".  This means that artists around Norwich, and artistic places open themselves up to the general public for inspection.

This year, as something different, our local adult education centre,  Wensum Lodge is allowing us mere mortals to exhibit work as part of the Open Studios for the princely sum of £5. So, when my dressmaking tutor  Ruth suggested that I may want to exhibit some of my flowers, I thought "OK, I've got nothing to lose here and its good advertising". So much as to say, I never so things by halves, so here is my exhibition piece.....

 I don't think I will be wearing this one as a brooch!


  1. Um, wow! That must have taken ages!

  2. Hi Sarah, that is amazing. I think it would look totally fab as a wall hanging. Try listing one.
    Still going strong with my crochet hook and I am going to order another one right now.
    Keep up the good work xxx

  3. Hey Becky, It took 3 evenings, but by the third I has lost the will to staple! I shall be doing some smaller ones to sell Emma, but I dont think that I could face another like that..But it may be listed on folksy if it doesnt sell at the open studio!
    Im really glad the hook is doing its job!
