Sunday 27 November 2011

Dulton and the economy of spending a bit more...

Hmmm..that was a funny title and I was going to rewrite it, but I think I'll keep it..Are you still with me.. tee hee hee?

This is my dustpan and brush.
His name is Dulton..see

and..he has a weird brush.

Anyway, I was having a conversation with Caroline ( gran plumley. is her other incarnation) at our weekly sewing class, about the merits of spending a bit more on stuff.  Dulton here, is a prime example. He cost me £12 in a sale about 10 years ago and has outlasted 6 of his plastic counterparts- and has kept that glorious smile throughout.

He has shovelled snow, scraped paint,stripped wallpaper and even banged in nails. He has cleared up many unsavoury things as well as, on the odd occasion been used as a dustpan and brush.

A conversation that started with me boasting of his underlay scraping duties and the fact that his plastic relatives would never last the course, got me thinking about the economies of spending more. ( and I promised Caroline that I would put him on my blog!)

I come from a family who are always looking for the cheapest way to do things and it has come hard to me to get out of that mind set.  As I have become older, I now ask myself "should I spend that little bit more?"
Especially if it is something I will use everyday and I want to last a long time, like Dulton.  It is often false economy to by the cheapest, or the most for your money or "not quite the thing you are looking for" because it is cheaper.

It is also the reason why I buy secondhand. That way I don't have to compromise on quality over price.  A great example of this is my handbag. It is leather, it is from Hobbs and it was brand new....£120 I hear you say? Nope £6 from Marie Curie!

Zoe, over at So, Zo...What do you know has written a great post called "how I consume" which is certainly food for thought. I feel quite proud of the fact that I buy secondhand and reuse whenever possible and also understand that sometimes it is worth paying that little bit more....

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