I'm sorry for the blog silence. I've been a bit busy of late.. I am now officially self employed, have registered with the big bad tax man and am even the proud owner of a "business" account. I never intended to own a "business" it just kind of snowballed....
So, from now on, I am going to have to try and actually make some money. Of course, I don't intend to set up a printing press ( although how popular would I be??), but I need to reduce costs and get faster at what I do. I just hope that something that I love, doesn't turn into a mill stone around my neck. You see, that is the problem when a "hobby" becomes a "business"
So, how am I going to do that then? What I need is a plan...
In the mean time, my next big thing is CRAFTfest....
I have been spending some time making my stall look nice and full....you can see it
CRAFTfest runs from the 9th to the 16th June and you can find out all about it by clicking
Oh, and on Monday, myself and
Little Miss Cross Stitch find out if we have been accepted for the illustrious Clutter City ( which you can find out about
HERE). Fortunately, I will be at the Fairy Fayre in Holt with my dear family, so will be far to busy to keep checking my emails ( ahem!)
And so, I am off to enjoy the rest of the sunshine, as for the rest of our Jubelisious Jubilee holiday they predict rain :(